If it's something you would wear on the weekend, chances are it's not something you want to wear in the office.

Wednesday, 11 February 2015

Why Go Casual?

Casual apparel in the workplace is slowly becoming the standard dress code. Many companies and offices are leaning away from formal business suits and towards more relaxed dress codes. What’s the reason for the sudden change? Here’s why casual apparel is dominating the business scene.


A quick Google search can tell you that business suits are expensive. Just type in business suits for men and women and you’ll find a multitude of links to stores. For the ladies, there’s Macy's and Ann Taylor. Men, your options include Nordstorm and Express. Regardless of gender, business suits cost a lot more than business casual apparel. In addition to the high costs of business suits, there are added expenses of dry cleaning (John, n.d.). Business suits cannot be simply thrown in the wash like your favourite pair of jeans. Suits need to be taken to dry cleaners for care. Besides, if you were spending hundreds of dollars on a suit, you wouldn’t want to risk throwing it in the washing machine; you would want to take proper care of it. Purchasing business suits and taking proper care of them is costly. Casual apparel gets rid of these costs, making things affordable for everyone and “easing economic strain on employees” (Walton, 2013).


While business suits may ensure everyone looks presentable, it also eliminates individuality (John, n.d.). If you’ve ever attended a uniform school, you’ll know the feeling. Attending a uniform school for most of my school years meant feeling and looking like everyone else. It’s the same thing with business suits. While business suits suppress individuality, business casual apparel allows individuals to freely express themselves (John, n.d.). It’s an “appreciation of individuality” (Walton, 2013) where self-expression is encouraged through outfits. Business casual means something a little different to everyone. If you give the instructions of a casual apparel dress code, you’ll have very different versions.


While there is no proven link between clothing and productivity, there is a correlation. When a casual apparel dress code is adopted, the focus is not on the dress code. Instead, the focus is on productivity and getting tasks completed. Stricter dress codes put a heavier emphasis on an employee’s wardrobe rather than on his or her contributions to the company (Casual business attire, n.d.).

Casual apparel in the workplace allows employees to be a lot more flexible. Instead of having to worry about a very specific, strict dress code, individuals have more options. In reality, this is a lot more reasonable than stressing whether or not your outfit meets the business apparel criteria. Instead, you can use that time you would have spent worrying over your outfit to be productive.

Casual apparel is a great option that saves time, encourages self-expression, focuses on productivity and allows flexibility. Did I miss anything? If your workplace has a casual apparel dress code, comment some other great reasons for adopting it. If your workplace doesn’t, do you agree with these reasons? Do they make a convincing case for adopting a casual dress code?


Casual business attire. (n.d.). Inc. Retrieved from http://inc.com/encyclopedia/casual-business-attire.html
John, C. (n.d.). The advantages of business casual attire. Houston Chronicle. Retrieved from http://smallbusiness.chron.com/advantages-business-casual-attire-23858.html
Walton, A. S. (2013). What are the benefits of a casual dress code? Livestrong. Retrieved from http://www.livestrong.com/article/1001175-benefits-casual-dress-code/

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